Na PaceWildenstein em NY, uma exposição sobre "Rule-Based Art", traduzindo: arte feita a partir de regras.
Do release: Logical Conclusions explores the work of dozens of artists who apply a system of rules to their process of creation, resulting in artwork that ultimately becomes created, generated, and constructed by the imposed algorithm. As Glimcher states in his essay, the rule-based art on exhibit is “created utilizing one or more logic-based systems to direct the design and creation of the object.” The systems may be based on or derived from mathematics, logic, and game theory and therefore can range from the use of scientific proofs to arbitrary yet personally consequential rules. The processes extend from formula based systems with deterministic outcomes to variable systems that allow for the artist’s hand to show through to systems of chaotic processes whose results are completely unpredictable.
E é exatamente o que eu faço com os meus painéis compostos de imagens que busco no Google....crio o método, aplico o algoritmo, e o resultado é a manifestação de um sistema, de uma "vontade" imposta pelo método, e não sujeito à minha inspiração subjetiva/divina. Gosto de fazer porque não é indulgente. Sistemas de pensamento são mais poderosos do que a estética...