The art of waiting
"I have no idea how much time the average human adult spends waiting for things, but I am prepared to wager a small amount that it is a substantial part of his/her life. In any given interaction between two or more people which requires them to be in a specific place at a specific time, waiting will form a key part. At the tube station, in the coffee shop, outside the cinema – even behind the bike sheds when you were younger – there is always waiting.
The first thing to remember about waiting is that it is invariably someone else's fault. You wouldn't be waiting if they had decided to stop being useless, selfish, time-wasting morons who don't really deserve to be going to the concert/film/play/meal with you in the first place. Also, they are sufficiently annoying that they are keeping you waiting. As any fool can see, you are the person who should be keeping them waiting. We hold this to be self-evident."
Does this look anything like it?

Luciano, no meu caso, levo um sketchbook e uma câmera. Para mim, todo o tempo que eu perco nesses lugares, ou esperando, é menos tempo que dedico à minha verdadeira ambição. Um dia, essas duas coisas se uniram e resultaram nessa série de trabalhos que chamo de "Espaços do Tédio".
ReplyDeletelinkei vc na coluna à direita...
Olá, tudo certinho?
ReplyDeleteÉ o seguinte, acho seu blog muito bom ( e olha que eu não curto muito blogs...), mas tem um problema: meu inglês é uma joça, e várias vezes eu fico boiando e/ou desanimado.Será que dava para deixar uma versão dos textos em português também?